Cost of Exhibiting
The Blenheim Palace Flower Show has established itself as a definite diary date for many quality exhibitors, so space is limited. We advise booking early to secure a prime position. Prices have remained the same for the last two years and are as follows:
Outside space (on grass)
£65 per m2 (no VAT). Please note that vehicles MUST be parked in the exhibitors’ area and are not allowed on site apart from unloading prior to the show.
Home & Country Living Pavilion (inside a marquee)
£95 per m2 (no VAT)
Shopping Arcade (individual marquee on grass)
3m x 6m = £700 +VAT
6m x 6m = £1,000 +VAT
Food & Drink Pavilion (inside a marquee on grass)
£75 per m2 (no VAT)
Inside: £40 +VAT
Outside: £150 +VAT. Please note that electricity is only available in certain outside areas. Please call Daphne on 01702 549623 for more details.
If required, tables can be booked at £8 +VAT. Tables are only available for indoor stands.